Source: common/vector2.js


 * Primary Vector class. Uses Array type for axis storage.
class Vector2 {
   * Return a two-dimensional vector object.
   * @param {Number} x The x component of this Vector2
   * @param {Number} y The y component of this Vector2
  constructor (x = 0, y = 0) {
     * @member {number}
     * @default 0
    this.x = x
     * @member {number}
     * @default 0
    this.y = y

   * Returns the dot product of this vector by another.
   * @param   {Vector2} [vector2=this] - Anther vector2.
   * @return  {Number}
  dot (vector2 = this) {
    return this.x * vector2.x + this.y * vector2.y

   * Returns the cross product of this vector by another.
   * @param   {Vector2} [vector2=this] - Anther vector2.
   * @return  {Number}
  cross (vector2 = this) {
    return this.x * vector2.y - this.y * vector2.x

   * Returns vector2 mode.
   * @return {Number}
  mod () {
    return Math.hypot(this.x, this.y)

   * Returns vector2 absolute.
   * @return {Vector2}
  abs () {
    return new Vector2(Math.abs(this.x), Math.abs(this.y))

   * Add the provided Vector to this one.
   * @param {Vector2} vector2 - Anther vector2.
   * @return {Vector2}
  add (vector2) {
    return new Vector2(this.x + vector2.x, this.y + vector2.y)

   * Subtract the provided vector from this one.
   * @param {Vector2} vector2 - Anther vector2.
   * @return {Vector2}
  sub (vector2) {
    return new Vector2(this.x - vector2.x, this.y - vector2.y)

   * Returns a new vector2 so that each component of the new vector2 has a value greater
   * than or equal to the specified value.
   * @param {Number} value - The specified value.
   * @return {Vector2}
  max (value) {
    return new Vector2((this.x > value ? this.x : value), (this.y > value ? this.y : value))

   * Returns a new vector2 so that the value of each component of the new vector2 is less
   * than or equal to the specified value.
   * @param {Number} value - The specified value.
   * @return {Vector2}
  min (value) {
    return new Vector2((this.x < value ? this.x : value), (this.y < value ? this.y : value))

export default Vector2